Interrelated: Experiencing Nature and Self-Efficacy

Supporting the development of children according to their abilities and nurturing them in an environment that is as close to nature as possible is a high priority at Waldkindergarten Naturstrolche e. V. Founded in 2019, the parents’ initiative in Stuttgart-Rohracker offers 20 boys and girls a place where they can develop their individual strengths in a vibrant community until they start school. At the centre of Baden-Württemberg’s capital, yet nestled in a green landscape of orchards, grapevines and woods, the three- to six-year-olds enjoy a species-rich space for physical activity and adventure that encourages encounters with flora and fauna as well as creative play.
“Especially at a time where we lack for exercise and experience sensory overload, spending time in nature is a great opportunity for healthy development as well as focused and playful discovery”, emphasises Susanne Claar. The educator and mother of two is convinced that children need love, encouragement and rhythm to grow up. “Plus a wide range of outdoor movement opportunities promote perception and thinking skills in addition to the ability to concentrate. In this regard, a partnership with the neighbouring sports club, for instance, complements our integrated nature and forest education concept.”
As part of educational work for sustainable development, it is equally important to the three-person management team that the boys and girls become familiar with the cycles of nature up close from an early age and treat their environment responsibly. This attitude is also reflected in the daily endeavours to make everyday life at Naturstrolche as plastic-free and climate-neutral as possible. For example, the temporary container solution has now given way to a 30 m² construction site and a yurt made from ecological materials. In bad weather, both serve as a safe and cosy retreat from rain, storms or the cold while also providing sleeping accommodation and enough space to set up a small kitchenette. The organisation received support from SAGST, among others, to bring its shelter concept to fruition. “The experience of being able to help shape the world through their own willpower and personal creativeness is particularly valuable for children”, says project manager Elke Rahmann, explaining the foundation’s motivation to fund the kindergarten, adding: “Growing up in an environment close to nature and as part of a strong community is a true gift that can last a lifetime.”