• Maintaining nature long-term
    as the livelihood
    of future generations.

  • Education is unimaginable
    without interpersonal encounter.

  • Strengthening children and youth
    in their individuality
    and development potential.

  • Putting personal encounters
    front and center.

  • Valuing human beings
    in all their dimensions.

  • Maintaining nature long-term
    as the livelihood
    of future generations.

  • Education is unimaginable
    without interpersonal encounter.

  • Strengthening children and youth
    in their individuality
    and development potential.

  • Putting personal encounters
    front and center.

  • Valuing human beings
    in all their dimensions.


The Software AG Foundation (SAGST) is an independent charitable foundation under German civil law with headquarters in Darmstadt, Germany. We are not a corporate foundation; rather, the foundation is the principal shareholder in the Software AG company, also located in the research town of Darmstadt. The founder of both, the company and the foundation, is Dr. h. c. Peter Schnell, who in the 1990s transferred all company shares to the foundation.

Since its founding, SAGST has been using the profits on around 1.4 billion euros in foundation assets to support projects organized by independent charitable organizations that directly and exclusively serve the common good. SAGST supports initiatives not only in the areas of Education, Children and Youth, Assistance for the Elderly and Individuals with Disabilitiese but also in Anthroposophical Medicine as well as scientific and practically-oriented projects in Nature and Agriculture. Our funding focuses on Germany and Europe. Together with the MAHLE FOUNDATION we are also involved in Brazil.

In total, we co-enable an average of about 250 projects per year that create healing social impulses for the (further) development of people and society. SAGST ranks among the largest foundations in Germany, measured both in terms of assets and total grant making to further its goals



SAGST has reorganised the responsibilities in its Executive Board due to the departure of Achim Grenz, who has been in charge of IT and project management for the last ? years and will now be taking his well-earned partial retirement on 1 July. After a total of 25 years of service to people and society, the 68-year-old will no longer help manage the foundation; however, he will remain with it as project manager for special funding projects. Grenz intends to take on this new role after a long summer ...