• The projects we support
    are our windows onto the world.

  • [Translate to English:] Die von uns geförderten Projekte sind
    unsere Fenster in die Welt.

  • The projects we support
    are our windows onto the world.

  • [Translate to English:] Die von uns geförderten Projekte sind
    unsere Fenster in die Welt.

What We Support


At the heart of the Software AG Foundation’s work are human beings in their complete and holistic development, from elementary school to assistance for the elderly. In this context, we pay special attention to those human beings who, in their biographies, require assistance and support – for example, helping individuals with disabilities or children and young people. We consider the human being within his entire context, which is why themes such as nutrition, nature, and human-centered medicine also fall within the scope of our support. In all areas, we also support research and scientific inquiry. We have defined specific key themes in each funding area.

In addition to long-term core concerns, we also constantly focus on current social challenges adolescents are facing – such as lack of exercise, the use of screens and social media, physical and psychological violence, as well as performance pressure. With this in mind, we support prevention and health promotion measures that have a lasting impact on the school environment and are aimed at both students and teachers.

As a non-profit foundation that in turn only funds non-profit projects and organizations, we focus on charitable and beneficial aims, as defined by German law and our charter. In terms of organization, our project managers work in the following teams:

Our project insights section provides you with colorful impressions of our diverse support work and the kinds of project activities that our partners carry out. Not all of these can be clearly assigned to only one funding area. It is frequently the case that we support projects that combine various areas: for example, inclusiveness, multi-generational housing projects, or school gardens. As a foundation, thinking across categories is second nature to us.