• Together with our project partners,
    we want to set clear examples
    for the future of the world.

  • [Translate to English:] Gemeinsam mit unseren
    Projektpartnern möchten wir
    erfahrbare Beispiele für
    die Zukunft der Welt setzen.

  • Together with our project partners,
    we want to set clear examples
    for the future of the world.

  • [Translate to English:] Gemeinsam mit unseren
    Projektpartnern möchten wir
    erfahrbare Beispiele für
    die Zukunft der Welt setzen.

SAGST explizit

  • Once a year, the Software AG Foundation publishes SAGST explizit (available in English), which contains the grant making and financial report for the previous financial year. It appears at the end of the first half of the year and is only available as an electronic publication on the foundation’s website. In addition to figures and facts about our grantmaking, it also discloses the foundation’s finances. It contains – analogously to the published audited financial statements – an overview of the income of our foundation capital and its use. The report also provides insight into our investment philosophy as well as the distribution of the foundation’s assets.
    To the current publication (in English)