Annual Report 2015/2016 Published

Front Page Annual Report 2015/16

The Software AG Foundation has been supporting independent non-profits and initiatives for over 20 years. What all of these projects have in common is a desire to find new paths to addressing urgent social issues. In our Annual Report 2015/16, we too are taking a new path: unlike last year, this year's Annual Report is not focused on one special thematic issue.

Instead, this year, we have selected a variety of projects from our various support areas that are exemplary models of idea and action: projects have had a particularly strong impact on society and on the foundation. This year's Annual Report is more than just a look back at 251 different projects that we have supported ideologically or financially. The magazine also addresses future areas of activity, such as demographic change and refugee integration.

You can read in the 40-page report how the Software AG Foundation and its support partners are addressing these and other challenges and taking joint responsibility for a livable future, as well as about the motives that drive our work. The Annual Report 2015/16 is now also available as a downloadable PDF (only in German).