The Yawning Society: Lecture Series on the Causes and Consequences of Sleep Disorders

Yawning girl
Photo: C. Fischer

Restful sleep is important for mental and physical well-being. But for more and more people in Germany, this is only a dream.

One in three is overtired, regularly plagued by sleeplessness, and sleeps less than seven hours a night. Some adults and even children have such significant problems with going to sleep or staying asleep that they have to seek medical treatment.

This lack of sleep has long been a widespread ailment and a symptom of our modern performance-driven society. The causes and consequences of sleep disorders will be discussed in a four-part lecture series on the subject of “Sleep” starting on January 18, 2017 as a joint project of the Caritas emergency services of Südhessen, ECHO Media GmbH, and the Software AG Foundation.

More about the event series on the echo-online website (in German).