• The projects we support
    are our windows onto the world.

  • [Translate to English:] Die von uns geförderten Projekte sind
    unsere Fenster in die Welt.

  • The projects we support
    are our windows onto the world.

  • [Translate to English:] Die von uns geförderten Projekte sind
    unsere Fenster in die Welt.

What We Support

Project Insights

The goal of our public relations work is to make our current activities and exemplary projects more visible. That’s why the people and initiatives that we support take center stage, both in our print publications and on our website. Lighthouse projects both large and small are given a special place.

Here, we provide short updates that reveal current happenings among our projects. In addition, we present in-depth reports and interviews that create a vivid picture of the initiatives that our foundation is privileged to enable and support.

To make this possible, our public relations team visits many of the projects together with the responsible project managers and gets to know the organizations and people on location.

We hope that these reports, in text and image, help to orient engaged individuals regarding possible support from the Software AG Foundation (SAGST) – and encourage them to tread new paths.

Working with individuals suffering from dementia is a great challenge for relatives and caregivers. In the Aja Textor-Goethe senior residence in Frankfurt am Main, exemplary work with dementia sufferers has been taking place for many years, and the topic is a major focus in their training seminar on elder care. In 2007, the multiple award-winning project “Aja's Garden House” opened, with living areas that each house eight dementia suffers with care needs.

Where does our food come from - and where is it actually grown? GemüseAckerdemie (Vegetable Academy) believes that the answer to this question lies in active learning. The organisation enables children and young people, together with their teachers, to plant and grow their own vegetables. In doing so, all of the participants not only learn valuable lessons about organic gardening, but also learn about how to value food and to handle it with respect.

The coffee roasting company started by a social therapy community in Kehna is a real success story. With the support of the Software AG Foundation, the coffee roaster was able to move to larger premises. This increases the economic basis of the company and promotes a workplace model that promotes cooperative partnerships with people with disabilities.

A very special hotel is opening in Oldenburg: the “Villa Stern” and the attached Café “Schnuppe” are barrier-free and committed to the active cooperation of people with and without disabilities. With the new hotel, the Stiftung Baumhaus (Treehouse Foundation) is continuing its long-standing commitment to creating an inclusive society.

Finding new friends in other countries, going to school abroad for a few months of even a year - many students want to use their school years as an opportunity to experience other countries and cultures. The online portal wal-di.com offers Waldorf students the opportunity to make friends around the world and to locate host families.