• The projects we support
    are our windows onto the world.

  • [Translate to English:] Die von uns geförderten Projekte sind
    unsere Fenster in die Welt.

  • The projects we support
    are our windows onto the world.

  • [Translate to English:] Die von uns geförderten Projekte sind
    unsere Fenster in die Welt.

What We Support

Project Insights

The goal of our public relations work is to make our current activities and exemplary projects more visible. That’s why the people and initiatives that we support take center stage, both in our print publications and on our website. Lighthouse projects both large and small are given a special place.

Here, we provide short updates that reveal current happenings among our projects. In addition, we present in-depth reports and interviews that create a vivid picture of the initiatives that our foundation is privileged to enable and support.

To make this possible, our public relations team visits many of the projects together with the responsible project managers and gets to know the organizations and people on location.

We hope that these reports, in text and image, help to orient engaged individuals regarding possible support from the Software AG Foundation (SAGST) – and encourage them to tread new paths.

Since 2007 students have the possibility to complete a three-year master's degree program in Waldorf education at the Danube University Krems in Austria. This can be seen as a milestone in terms of the academic recognition and internationalisation of Waldorf education.

The Research Institute of Organic Agriculture (FiBL) was founded 37 years ago in Oberwill, Switzerland. It is devoted to a wide range of research questions related to organic agriculture. The FiBL, now in located in Frick (Canton Aargau), is the largest research facility of its kind and enjoys a very positive reputation.

Project Humussphäre focuses on soil-building, energy-saving agricultural methods. The project has been carried out since March 2005 on the biodynamic farm Hof Hollergraben in Ostholstein, Germany. Klaus Strüber, who heads the farm and initiated the project, works together with his team of professionals on the project. The Bremen Society for Agriculture and Pedagogy is instructing them in their research inquiry. 

Villa Purzellino is the only kindergarten in the upper Black Forest region for children who are speech-impaired or have special support needs. The school is run by the Freundeskreis für förderungsbedürftige Kinder und Jugendliche Hochschwarzwald e.V., an association for special-needs children and youth in the area.

Growing old with dignity, maintaining quality of life, and remaining as independent as possible - despite dementia - is exactly the challenge being taken on by the Verein für ambulante Sozialdienste e.V., an outpatient social services organisation in Obersteinbach, a village in north-west Bavaria. The association has created an exemplary new way of life for people with dementia in the form of an outpatient assisted living community.